
5 Tips for WordPress Users

The power, versatility, and widespread popularity of WordPress makes it a virtual no-brainer for most small business websites. Learning to use WordPress on your own can seem like a big investment of time, but if you stick with it, you will gain a valuable skill that can help you for the rest of your professional life. Here are a few simple tips that can help you improve your design with minimal effort.

  1. Declutter your sidebar. The more links you include here, the less likely it will be that your visitors actually go to the place you want them to go to! Over-cluttered design is both visually unappealing and strategically impractical.
  2. Keep media in one folder. There’s no pragmatic reason to keep your media in separate folders based upon the upload date. By filing everything together, you will make it far easier for visitors to find what they are looking for.
  3. Write user-oriented descriptions. A lot of the writing you do for your website will be influenced by search engine optimization strategies. When it comes to writing a search engine description, however, you should focus on being genuinely informative and attention-catching — this is your big pitch to potential visitors that tells them why they should (or shouldn’t) check out your site.
  4. Write smart URL titles. Keep it short, sweet, and in a readable format. [Our-pictures] is a far superior URL title than [Thisisthepagewithallourpictures].
  5. Use Image titles. Search engines can’t tell what’s in your images; they rely upon you to tell them. Writing image titles will boost your search engine rankings while also helping out your visitors in the case that an image doesn’t load properly for some reason.

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