
Improving Your Web Infrastructure

There are many reasons why every organization should ensure that their website infrastructure is top notch. First and foremost, your website is a reflection of your company: you want to show your visitors that you value quality, user-friendliness, and a job well-done. Secondly, great website infrastructure helps search engines know that your page is the real deal — and those search engines will reward you by making your site more visible to potential visitors. Last but not least, the smoother your site runs, the more likely your visitors will be to convert: whether that means making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or simply recommending the page to a friend.

So without further to do, here are four simple tips that can make your infrastructure better in a jiffy!

  1. Navigable layout. If your page features a labyrinthine layout that confuses users, how can you ever expect them to get where you want them to go? Moreover, search engines will take note of this layout (if they can manage to crawl it at all), and your search engines rankings will be penalized accordingly. 
  2. No faulty links! A broken link is a sure way to frustrate both visitors and search engine bots.
  3. Reliable hosting. Does your current host offer reliable service and minimal downtime? If not, then you may be losing a great deal of potential business.
  4. No data overloads. Sure, that ultra-high-definition photo on your homepage looks cool — but is it really worth giving users a slower experience, and possibly even causing some visitors to click away from your page before it has even finished loading? Keep the size of each page reasonable and your visitors are sure to thank you.

For more tips on how to improve your website, visit People’s Host online today!

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