
7 Ways To Work Smarter, Not Harder

Work Smarter Not Harder

Running a business can be rewarding, but it can be difficult to cope with what seems to be a million things to juggle at once. Maybe you’ve heard that hard work pays off, but what if you’re already working yourself to the point of exhaustion? By finding ways to work smarter, not harder, you can stay focused on the right things that will help your business take off.

  1. Plan and Prioritize. Planning and prioritizing tasks is an investment of time that saves in the long run. Low-priority tasks can overload you and add to your already long list. Take note of what work you could do that would make the biggest impact in your business and do that first.
  2. Delegate Tasks. Who says you have to do everything yourself? Give work that is not in your area of specialty to employees or hire a contractor or business to help you. Wasting time on things that someone else can easily handle will distract you from growing your business.
  3. Minimize Distractions. Turn off social media, stop watching YouTube, and put your phone on silent. Focus on your important tasks. Put a timer on if you need to.
  4. Take Advantage of Technology. There are plenty of useful productivity apps such as Pomodone and Trello that can help you focus and organize. Research and experiment in order to find out works for you.
  5. Gamify. There’s a good reason games are so popular. They’re fun! Life is one big game and you are in it to win it. Figure out how to make your work more like your favorite games and have fun.
  6. Take Care of Number One. You can’t juggle tasks if you’re feeling tired and sick. Taking care of yourself with a proper diet and regular exercise will keep you focused and more productive.
  7. Minimize Mistakes. Don’t rush through your work in an attempt to fix everything. Slow down, focus on the important things and do them right the first time. Do this and you won’t end up wasting time on doing the same tasks over again.

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