Google Analytics

6 Metrics that Matter for Website Admins

Analyzing, understanding, and responding to data is an important part of running a website effectively. Unfortunately, with so much data available, knowing where to start can sometimes be difficult. Here are six metrics that you should definitely be paying attention to if you hope to improve your existing website.

  1. Number of Visitors. We’ll begin with the obvious: in order to understand how your website it doing, you need to know how many unique visitors (as well as how many total page views) your site is receiving each month.
  2. Bounce Rate. Bounce rate measures the percentage of users who immediately click away from your website upon opening it. A high bounce rate may mean that your website’s meta descriptions don’t give users an accurate view of what you offer. Alternatively, it could mean that your existing backlinks are misleadingly placed. Improving your site (and making the impression you give of your site more accurate) will help lower your bounce rate.
  3. Search Engine Rankings. Another simple yet crucial metric: where do you fall in the search engines? Is it as high as you would like? (Protip: it’s never as high as you would like! See this recent People’s Host blog article for more on SEO.)
  4. Uptime. If your web host doesn’t offer an excellent uptime percentage, then they may be damaging your appearance and costing you visitors.
  5. Sales/Revenue. For companies that offer e-commerce, keeping tabs on monthly sales and revenue is an important way of spotting trends and improving planning for the future.
  6. ROI. Whether you make online sales or not, you should be calculating the ROI that your website is generating. Keep an eye out for an upcoming People’s Host article that will cover simple ways that you can calculate your online ROI!

Looking to improve your stats? A better host could play an important role in making your online presence more effective. Visit People’s Host online today to learn more.

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