
Is Your Company Ready for a Managed Dedicated Server?

When you first started your company website, you probably selected a shared server. After all, this is what most experts recommend for new sites. If your company has grown, and your website has become more successful, you may be getting to the point of considering an upgrade. Though VPS hosting offers a nice middle ground between shared servers and dedicated servers, there is no doubt that dedicated servers offer the most powerful option on the market–and if you feel that your business is ready to take this leap, then it is worth looking into. Here are 3 signs that your shared or VPS hosting simply isn’t cutting it.

Poor Performance. You’ve probably heard the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Conversely, the number one sign that you probably should try to fix something is if it’s broke! No host is going to offer one hundred percent uptime, but if your uptime is sagging below acceptable levels, you may wish to speak with your host to find the cause. The odds are good that this will enlighten you as to whether you need to changing hosting companies, or simply change servers.

Growing traffic. Even if you haven’t begun to experience problems with performance yet, you may be considering upgrading because you have noticed a large uptick in the amount of traffic that your company website receives. If this is the case, we again recommend speaking with your host and discussing the capacity of your current server. If you expect the rate of growth to continue to the point of causing issues, it may be better to upgrade preemptively in order to avoid the emergence of potential problems.

Security. Last but not least, certain security concerns may lead you to consider a dedicated server. Keep in mind that both shared and VPS servers do offer a level of security that is totally acceptable for many types of businesses, but in the end you should never compromise on security, as a breach will oftentimes be far more costly than merely upgrading.

To learn more about managed dedicated servers, visit People’s Host online today.

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